Particularly interesting this week, thank you.

Useful material for the ongoing "discussions" on twitter.

Although sometimes they degenerate into insults & blocking, some do go the other way - a couple of instances of long exchanges with people I disagree with this week, which ended up in respectful & cordial disagreement and also mutual learning. It can be done, sometimes, and each one is a step forward.

Social media where I agree with everyone I meet seems so unproductive.

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Thank you, interesting as usual. I have recently been nurturing an interest in history in my Grandson. A little bit sneaky, as it was through his new hobby of metal detecting! I am glad to say that his passion for insects, fossils and minerals and rocks remains strong! He is 13.

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Good plan. At that age I was terribly in to rocks and minerals (had my own collection, paid for with pocket money), mosses and lichens (I once spent a weekend explaining all about them to my mother - my poor mother, who I now recognise was going through a rought time personally), Assyrians and ancient Egyptians.

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Yes the global majority has every reason to be suspicious of NATO, the UK and US after the US backed coup in 2014 removing the democratically elected Russian facing leader and replacing him with EU facing puppets, the Western funding of neonazis like the Azov and the threats to expand NATO into Ukraine.

Bojo convinced Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty in 2022.

The blood of 10 million Ukrainians on his hands.

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I really appreciate the reminder that media, whether from the first printing press or a series of rapid-fire tweets, has never been a balanced, civil debate. How could it be when so many were (and still are) missing from the table? I'm not sure social media completely resolves this issue; while anyone (with internet access) can share their thoughts, algorithms still determine who is the heard the loudest. I have certainly questioned whether social media is a tool I want to use at all, and deleted all my accounts for several years. But now I'm back, trying to share information and perspectives that I'm passionate about and carve out a little digital space where people feel heard and seen. And that's why I am so happy to have found your substack--you are sharing things important to the world in an inviting manner. Thank you!

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